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Our Philosophy/What to Expect

Lumunos retreats offer you the chance to REFLECT on the life you have been given; RELATE to others and your deepest values; and REENERGIZE your calling.


Our philosophy is to allow people the chance to tell their stories without judgment, cross talk, or 'fixing'. On a Lumunos retreat, you can expect:

  • away time to disconnect and renew; 

  • meaningful conversation with other people who are engaging similar questions of self;

  • a purposeful pause to gain perspective and realign priorities;

  • a chance to grow and deepen your spiritual life; and

  • a lot of laughter (and possibly a few tears).


To learn more about our current offerings, click on our Events page.

The What's Next Retreat: Finding Clarity and Hope through Life's Changes​

Life is filled with twists and turns, large and small. Change is constant in our lives, after all.


All of us are either heading toward a change; still processing a recent transition, or smack dab in the middle of a shift of some kind. In the disorientation of change, it can be hard to know whether we need to turn toward something new, return to something familiar or both. Would 4 hours of your time be worth it if you came away with greater clarity, direction and hope for wherever you are in the changes you are experiencing? Lumunos retreats offer all this, along with practical tools and an enjoyable group experience that make room for both introverts and extroverts (and ambiverts!)

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Need Help Planning a Retreat?

For over 80 years, Lumunos has partnered with faith communities and workplace organizations as they seek to support people for living from a sense of call in the midst of daily life. If you would like Lumunos to help your spiritual community or organization plan a retreat, please contact us! We can help build community within your organization while helping people clarify how they want to spend their time and energy as it best aligns with their spiritual path.

Retreats can be 1, 2, or 3 days long, and be designed around the specific needs of your audience — be it young people, mixed ages, people in discernment about something, people in job transition, or those getting ready to retire. Lumunos is comfortable working in both theologically diverse settings and secular workplaces or organizations. The essence of what we do has always been helping people listen for call and helping them create the kind of small groups and relationships that will support them in the living of that call.

Crossing the River - Finding Resiliency in Times of Change

What's changed in your life recently? What changes do you expect in the future? 


Life is filled with transition and change. They might be positive or expected-like a new job, relationship, or kids entering your life or leaving the nest. Or, the change might be forced upon us through no choice of our own-think health crisis, or a change of leadership at your place of work. We are always leading up to a change, in the middle of one, or on the tail end of some change. Change changes us, but we aren't always aware of how, or what to do with it.


While challenging, change also brings opportunity. In this 3-hour mini-retreat you will have the chance to step back from some change in your life and view it through a spiritual lens. Using sacred story, research from the world of business and social science; conversation and time for reflection, you will leave with a different way to view the changes in your life.


If your organization or spiritual community is interested in hosting a Crossing the River retreat, contact us. This retreat is a great introduction to what Lumunos has to offer. Because it’s short and inexpensive, it gives people who are curious about Lumunos the chance to explore our programming without investing a lot of time or money. It can also be implemented in just about any setting or location. All we need is a room and a group of 15-35 people. So far, we have held Crossing the River retreats in the Denver, Chicago, Boston and Washington D.C. areas. If you are interested in attending one of the upcoming retreats or bringing this half-day retreat to your area, please contact Becca Perry-Hill at

“For me, this is probably my release to be able to hear my calling or at least a start to identifying it and step to work towards it. A long road, I’m sure, but my compass is settled for now and I have a direction…”

100 E Shannon St
Elburn, IL 60119 USA

Lumunos is a 501(c)3 non profit organization and your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

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